Is My House in a Flood Zone?

This "Is My House in a Flood Zone” blog was written by Flex Seal in collaboration with Flex Seal Ambassador, Dr. Reed Timmer.

We sat down with Dr. Reed Timmer, Extreme Meteorologist and Storm Chaser, and asked him one of the most frequent questions when it comes to assessing flood risk: “Is My House in a Flood Zone?” Read on to hear what he had to say.

Q: Is My House in a Flood Zone?

A: As a meteorologist and storm chaser, I get asked this question quite often, and the answer usually comes as a surprise to people.

Everyone lives in a flood zone. Yes, I said everyone! Let me explain.

Flood zones are areas on a flood zone map that note the risk of flooding, and we can categorize all locations as either low, moderate, or high-risk zones. Since everyone lives in one of those zones, everyone is at risk for flooding. Flood maps show an area that may be covered by water, or show where the water reaches during a specific flood event. 

Flood maps are critical tools that can help us identify potential risks and mitigate flood impacts. How much risk? That brings me to the next question we should ask: “What type of flood zone am I in?” 

Natural disasters are increasing in frequency and severity. Flooding causes direct damage to home, property and infrastructure. Floods can occur at any time of the year. Flooding can be caused by heavy rainfall, rapid melting of a thick snowpack, ice jams, coastal storm surges, or strong onshore winds.

Floods can occur at any time of the year. Flooding can be caused by heavy rainfall, rapid melting of a thick snowpack, ice jams, coastal storm surges, or strong onshore winds. 

Utilizing a flood risk map is a great way to find out your flood zone. These maps can provide valuable information to help you identify your specific flood zone and its risk level. Flood zones can also change over time due to several factors, so it’s always a good idea to check for updates periodically as a part of your flood preparation plan. 

Many people believe that if they live in a low-risk flood zone, they are immune to flooding, but that is not true. Remember that low risk doesn’t mean no risk, so it’s still important to plan for flooding. Even minor weather events, such as thunderstorms, can result in a damaging flood. Because flooding is possible across Canada and worldwide, it’s essential to be as prepared as possible, no matter what type of zone you live in.